Saturday 15 November 2008

Lively Tiny Betta Fish Catches a Considerable Following of Collectors

These days’ tiny wild betta fish still swim here and there in the rice paddy ditches of Southeast Asia, protecting their bubble nests from all prowlers. Although lively, the fish are far removed from their familial relatives, normally known as Siamese fighting fish.

Wild bettas will fight to protect their area however they are street fighters contrast to the Sweet Pea Whitakers of the pet trade, the familial bettas. The street urchins are nowhere near as bright, nor are their fins as elongated and as attractive as their domesticated counterparts.

Although the genetic materials are there. When a betta - wild or domestic - faces another betta, they both respond impulsively. Their body color gets deeper radically, as if flushed in irritation, and their trailing fins flash open and sit up, upright like a fan prepared to fight the summer heat.

For centuries in Asia the little fish were breed in confinement only for their fierceness and fighting aptitude. The fish were paired off by their possessors to fight, time and again to the death, to a great extent similar to a cock fight.

At present fighting is not authorized or excused by the International Betta Congress. As an alternative betta breeders raise their fish to develop their beauty, taking benefit of the physical characteristics of violence.

Over the years the betta has been bred for progressively attractive color variants and longer more striking flowing fins. Bettas are now found in various shades of yellow, blue, green, red, black and turquoise. They appear in bi-colors and they are also found with a pale shimmering look as if they had been covered with mother of pearl. At betta shows, there are 48 unusual color classes in which to participate.

Possessors take benefit of the fish's fighting nature to boast their colors and fins at their premium for betta show judges. The fish are revealed independently in small glass bowls and are prohibited from viewing fish in adjoining bowls by pieces of card stock.

When the judges come across, the card stock is removed and the bettas face each other through the glass. Their colors turns out to be vivacious and their fins go up and extend like fighters cocking their fists.

They are judge on transparency of color, unusual finnage and posture. Posture is not conduct. Its how sound the fish swims and how attentive it is.

That's all a betta show is concerned to - lifting those pieces of cardboard and allowing the bettas to relax.

Bettas have been famous to sell for over $ 150.

Betta Fish recommended resource: here.

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